UL offers diverse programs, including faculties, schools, and departments in areas such as Arts, Literature, and Languages, Engineering, Health, Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economy, and Management, and Sciences and Technologies.
The university has 60 research units collaborating with prominent French organizations such as CNRS, INSERM, INRAE, and INRIA. The research spans ten areas, including computer sciences (LORIA) and material sciences (Institut Jean Lamour). Doctoral studies are organized into eight schools, with 400 theses defended annually by 1,800 Ph.D. students from 90 nationalities.

Boly Vincent
Researcher in Innovation Engineering
Professor Boly Vincent is one of the founding members of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Génie des Systèmes industriels (1992), which specializes in innovation engineering. He teaches innovation management and related methodologies. More specifically, his main teaching concerns are: the theory of innovation and technology, and methodologies adapted to the early stages of an innovative project (creativity, needs analysis, technology forecasting, definition of product specifications, functional analysis).
His research covers new product design, metrology and open innovation/science. In particular, he has worked on assessing the innovation potential of small businesses. Professor Boly maintains close relations with industry, particularly small businesses, and collaborates as an expert on new product development projects, including digitization. He is a former head of the university’s technology transfer department.

Davy Monticolo is currently associate professor in the ERPI Laboratory, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France. He teaches Knowledge Enginnering, Web Intelligence and Agile Project Management at the Department of Innovation and Industrial Engineering. He got his HDR in december 2015 at the University of Lorraine. Received his Ph.D. (2008) in the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbélaird (France) and a M.S. (2005) degrees in the University of Savoie, France. His research interests focus mainly on: Web Intelligence, Multi-Agents Systems, Knowledge Engineering and Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies used to design knowledge based systems. He is a member of the board of the French Research Association to promote Artificial Intelligence (AFIA). I am also the chair of the IEEE International Workshop KARE (Knowledge Acquisition Reuse & Evaluation) since 2008.ology transfer department.